Best Of Crest 2007, 2007
As one of the oldest spiritual traditions, India has a whole host of books, teachers and experiences that foster the process of inner rumination and connection with the self. At the outset, one of the fundamental distinctions we need to draw is between Spirituality and Religion. Through this distinction, the definition of each will be clearer.

Spirituality has been defined in many ways. One of the most common definitions is that of a person’s innate bond with a higher power. It has also been described as the relationship a person has with his/her deepest self or soul.

Religion is a physical manifestation of spirituality. As William Irwin Thompson said, “Religion is not identical with spirituality; rather religion is the form spirituality takes in civilization.” It channelises one’s spirituality with the help of organized rituals like prayer, worship and norms for the same.

No matter what faith one belongs to (or chooses to be irreligious to), we all have a relationship with our deepest selves. Rituals are fundamentally the means of making that connection.

Spirituality is a broad term and has both breadth as well as depth of meaning. There are so many streams of the study of spirituality and each stream is like a hyperlink which you can access deeper for greater understanding.

In relation to self-development, spirituality embraces so many fields of study, but fundamentally, it all boils down to one’s relationship with one’s self or a higher power.

Ponder the following questions and step back to observe your thoughts on these. Dwell on the answers. Revisit these questions from time to time. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers.

How connected are you with your deepest self? Do you sense a duality in yourself? Or are all your dimensions aligned to you and your purpose

Do you revel in who you are or are you comfortable being yourself? From where do you derive the strength of your connection with yourself (be it a deep bond or a tenuous link)?

How much influence does peoples’ opinion and expectation have on who you are today? How have some expectations shaped you and some made you feel disconnected with your true self?

Some common spiritual experiences that you can touch frequently by fully being in the present:

Be in the midst of nature and sense your awe at how the world and everything in it, came to be. Muse over the whorls on a finger tip, the nature of waves, the intelligence of the house crow or about how children think.

Visit a place of worship and feeling connected to the higher power and fellow-worshippers. Notice the sights, sounds and smells of a place of worship.

One of the most common ways to touch a spiritual high is through meditation. You can learn to meditate through a faith or even irrespective of it. (See the link in Further Reading)


The Wooden Bowl by Clark Strand (read a review here – http://www.positivehealth.com/Reviews/books/strand50.htm)

(Article written for Best of Crest, 2007)

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